Welcome back everyone today I’m reviewing one of the finest movie Guru,this movie depicts the poison of race and religion being instilled in the brains of the people and how it’s breaking the heart and soul of the people. Till today I see on Tik Tok of people trying to break the beliefs of others. I hope through this blog everyone would understand race and religion shouldn’t split us up.
The Movie
The movie starts with a discussion of the village officials on the upcoming festival, later showing a group of tourist visiting the village and the main character Reguram being their tour guide. Reguram is from a Brahim family but he doesn’t believe in god,in the next scene a group of children consisted of both hindu and muslim was playing and one of the muslim child gave the Taqiyah which is a Arabic word for a Muslim skullcap to shimmy boy and a village official saw this and made a big issue of it. The political party took advantage of this so that a riot will break out so that they can come to power during the riot between the hindu and muslim Reguram’s family passed away, this sorrow grew into a rage to kill all muslims so he teamed up with the people who are in the same mission, however his first attempt failed and in that means he fainted and he was brought back to consciousness by the people in the Asramam which is a secluded dwelling of a Hindu sage and a group of disciples instructed to conduct a religious or spiritual retreat.
After some days he saw the leader of the group that are on the same mission he discussed with the leader and some other hindus on the next plan. While going for their second attempt they Asramam lady caught Reguram and brought him to the guru’s footwear where the guru sent him to an illusionary world where all the people there are blind. Reguram slowly understood how the place is and he found out that these people didn’t believe in eyes and there’s no world to see.
While inspection the place he saw a couple who were deeply in love however the girl was the relative of the king and the guy was poor so the king ordered the guards to separate them and kill the guy but Reguram helped him to escape from them. The guy was surprised to see how Reguram was able to rescue him. Reguram told him that he had eyesight which obviously that was alien to the guy. He didn’t believe Reguram can see, Reguram tried to convince him by leading the way to his love of his life, Syamanthka played the late Kaveri.
The guy, Ramanakan played by the late Madupal was convinced and showed his gratitude by touching his feet to seeking blessing from Reguram, they became close friends in the illusionary world. Moving forward he saw a teacher teaching the students that there’s no world beyond theirs and there’s nothing to see when Reguram heard that he immediately interrupted the teacher and said that there’s a beautiful world beyond the darkness they are facing, however they don’t believe him and the teacher went of. After that Reguram taught the students on the worth of eyesight.
In the next scene Reguram saw an old lady giving a fruit called illama fruit to a new born this action caught his attention he asked Ramanakan about the fruit and he replied saying that the newborns will not live long he says that the fruit is a blessed by a goddess. Ramanakan cautioned Reguram to not eat the seed as that will cause death to him, Reguram curious of the taste he tried the fruit, and eventually leading him to eat more of it. While plucking more from the tree slowly his eyesight was becoming weak and he felt to ground knowing that he lost his eyesight too.
Reguram knowing this tried to warn the people of the village that the illama fruit was reason for the loss of eyesight. However obviously they didn’t want to take it in and they accused him of being against the beliefs of the village he was then brought to the king and the king sentenced him to death by asking his guards to give him the seed of the illama fruit. Reguram was forcefully given the seed that is squashed to liquid form. Several minutes passed Reguram opened his eyes to finally realise that the gift of the goddess was the seed itself and not the fruit from the seed. Reguram tried to convince the people of the village however, them being brainwashed that Reguram is a liar they didn’t believe him not only that they threw rocks at him. Ramanakan hearing his friend come back alive ran to him and Reguram offered him the power of eyesight Ramanakan happly accepted it as well. Ramanakan promised Reguram that he will convince the others in the village but he wanted Syamanthka and her family to see as well. Reguram squashed the seed and gave them to the people. Reguram brought them to a cave so that they wouldn’t feel sick of the light. The following day everyone in village were able to see.
So what’s the connection between the movie and race, religion. The connection is to break free of the wall of religion and be the truth of guru where guru is god. I hope from this blog everyone will break free of the wall of religion and live together as one family. Happy Onam