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Hamster Kombat

July 6, 2024 by
Rajan Nair

Hamster Kombat 

What is Hamster Kombat

It’s a crypto exchange simulator game that is present in telegram app. It claims that the user would be able to exchange the crypto coins that’s earned when tapped on the hamster. However the exchange limiting is not currently available. After that it would be converted into the crypto and finally get real money. As per current status there are 150 million people playing with game.  


before understanding if it’s safe or it’s a scam, first you should understand what is crypto, blockchain, white paper, airdrop. So let’s get into it.

What’s crypto 

Crypto is digital currency, so the difference between normal transactions and crypto transactions is that in crypto transactions there’s no middle man like for example in normal transactions the bank is the middle man where they will control and organise the transactions, however in the case of crypto transactions there’s no such activities. The big question some may have is that wouldn’t there problems such as hackers hacking there account, make changes to the statistics. For this kind of cases there are block chains let’s get into what is blockchains.

What is Blockchains 

Let me explain this in a simple scenario so there’s a office of 30 employees, to mark there check in and out timing there’s a record excel sheet, but at one point there could be a employee who would change the data and no one would know about it, but what if there’s a excel sheet with every single employee, this be difficult to make changes as all the employees have the records this would be easy to understand if there’s any data that’s being changed. This is also have block chain works as well. Next what’s mining, mining is the checking of the blocks for any disruptions or other issues. So these miners would earn a bit of commission for this work. 

White paper 

When a person or a group decide to supply or bring a set of crypto into the market they would publish a white paper, stating its technology, purpose, this is where the investor would decide whether to invest in the crypto currency. The next question is how the crypto gets the value for it, one of the factor is supply and demand, according to the supply and demand the value would change. Second factor is global acceptance, if the crypto is globally accepted the value would increase. Thirdly is media coverage where if the media is talking about it then the investment would increase as well. 


The phase where even before the crypto is in market there would be coverage talking about it, hence a sum of money would be given to the people who helped increase the coverage. This is called airdrop.


Now as we said earlier to make a decision whether or not if it’s safe we have to read the white paper however there’s no such paper listed and we are not sure of who are the people working behind this game. In the positive side there’s a block called TON that’s partnered with hamster Kombat so if it’s a scam there would negative impacts on the TON. next is there’s already pre market sale has been started. So would not be able to come to a conclusion of if it’s real or scam. Now considering the factor of the users who played or promote the game there would only be a small amount given as airdrop due to high amount of people using playing the game. That’s also when if all goes fine. Personally I would say don’t take it seriously you just try for fun